Preparing to getting started

“To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic.”

-Pablo Picasso

I want to start building a very simple grow-box with a water culture hydroponic system. This project pretty much explains the kind of grow-box which I intend to build and this page gives a nice overview on different types of hydroponic systems. Put together, I will need the following components for my grow-box:

  • A box with a door and silver foil for covering the inside of the box
  • Ventilation for the box
  • A nutrition reservoir
  • An air-pump
  • An LED growing light
  • A floating platform for growing the plants
  • Strawberry seeds
  • Nutritient solution
  • Artificial soil (perlite, vermiculite)

So the first version of my grow-box should look a little bit like this:


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